Daughter. Sister. Wife. Adoptive Mother.
Described as Creative, Energetic, and Fun.
Anointed, Brave, and Compassionate.
Worshipper and Warrior.

Kristina Danyale Frye was born on March 4, 1989. Her parents (and especially grandparents) were greatly anticipating her arrival. She must have been too because she arrived 5 weeks early; weighing 5 lbs 12 oz. Looking like a petite baby doll with blonde hair and green eyes, she stole the hearts of many.
"So," her mother recalls, "just like any parents expecting a child, you start thinking about names." She shares how Kristina could have been "Elizabeth" (after a great-grandmother) but her parents wanted a name that would allow the first and middle names to "flow." Another name on the contender list was "Chantelle." Not knowing exactly where the name Kristina came from, her mother shares that she just knew that she wanted the name to be "different" and that's when they decided to spell it with a 'K.' Her middle name was derived from "Danielle" because of the flow with Kristina but then was also changed in spelling. "The 'yale' part in it is spelled like "YALE" because if I had been more studious, for the lack of better words, and adventurous... I would have went to YALE," her mother explains.
Naming attaches an eternal identity to something or someone. "It's interesting to consider my name," Kristina says. "I am sure my parents had not realized the meaning of 'Kristina Danyale.' As I have grown up, and considered the identity that my names brings, I have also considered all of the ways that I should portray that meaning to others."

In her early childhood, Kristina found her voice and began sharing her God-given talent in church, talent shows, and family reunions. Raised in an entrepreneurial family, she witnessed what hard work, commitment, and faith in God could do for someone with a vision. Graduating high school in 2007, Kristina began her journey of self discovery and lost sight of the call that God had so purposefully placed on her life. It wasn't until her late 20's when Kristina decided to rededicate her life to the Lord. "I can remember almost the exact moment when I realized that I had not been following God's lead....in many areas of my life," Kristina recalls. Having been in church, and being saved at age 12, she knew what God said about the lifestyle of sin she was living. "Something had to change...and honestly, it started with me."

Soon enough, Kristina found herself walking a new journey of self discovery; except this journey was being guided by prayer, worship, tithing, and stepping out on faith. "Once I gave my full yes to God, He was able to (gently and graciously) reframe my thinking," Kristina shares. After years of battling anxiety and depression that was birthed from deep-rooted self doubt, the journey was proving to be one of the greatest tests. Life for Kristina began to get busy. Graduating college, starting her career, getting married, and adopting a teenager; Kristina thought she was super woman. She thought she could do it all. Turning 30 years old was a real eye opener. Although the view of her life from Instagram and Facebook looked pretty close to perfect, Kristina always felt like something was missing. "The truth is, I was doing a really good job of putting on a brave face... but I was withering away on the inside." 

Fast forward to the year 2020. It was a hard year for everyone. COVID-19 was completely changing how the world operated. Kristina was now working from home and trying her best to give her students the end of their 4th grade year they deserved (in the midst of a global pandemic). Two weeks into quarantine, one of her grandfathers suffered a severe stroke and was placed in a rehabilitation center; located over an hour away (where she had to communicate with him through a window from outside the building). One month into quarantine, her family was facing the roughest growing pain they had seen since becoming an adopted home. After seven months of surviving the pandemic, she suffered the loss of another grandfather. After nine months, she was diagnosed with insulin resistance PCOS. Although, and thankfully, COVID was not a direct hardship for Kristina, the lonely days of having to stay home, little to no interaction with others, losing loved ones, and realizing that becoming a biological mother may be more tough than she originally thought, had caused a deep and hard spiral of anger, fear, and depression. Knowing and having a deep connection with the Lord is what Kristina claims "saved her life."

"It seemed like no matter what I did, I could not get rid of the anxiety. I know now that I had not allowed God to do His full work in me." She began praying and reading the Bible more than she ever had. Playing an influential role in leading worship at church, is what Kristina says helped her to remember her love for music, the Lord's word written to lyric, and the presence of the Lord. "God began showing me memories of being a little girl..when I would sit in my room and write poems about Christ and what He had done for me." It was in these memories, Kristina says, that she was reminded of who God had called her to be. She describes these moments as precious, life altering, and tangible. Slowly, with each passing day, and many hours of prayer, worship, and counseling, she regained her confidence and the set of qualities that were attached to her eternal identity.
("Follower of Christ")

In January of 2021, Kristina launched an inspirational life-style brand and Youtube channel called "Prophesy Into Tomorrow." The idea is that by sharing her experiences of a broken sense of self worth, she may empower women to walk a faith filled journey with Christ to find their true authentic self and begin to operate according to the calling that He has placed on their life. She is not claiming to have arrived at the place where she no longer needs God's hand and is finding that through sharing her stories, she too is continuing to be healed and transformed by the words of her testimony. Kristina says, "Every new day is given to us as an opportunity to share the love of Christ, grow the Kingdom, and become deeply rooted in the word of God." Through the many seasons of her life, Kristina has gained a variety of perspective and understanding of the many trials that women face. Many times she has felt inferior because of her once confident decisions. The judgement and questions from others has caused her to depend solely on the truth that God has spoken over her life. She has lived out the eternal identity of 'Danyale.'
("God is my judge")

Today, you will find Kristina eager to live each day by the freedom and confidence that comes from the goodness of God. She is adamant that it is only by His mercy and grace that she finds herself full of joy, passionate about the calling, and motivated for the future. In regards to the future, Kristina shares, "My sole mission to remind women who God says they are and empower them to live in the grace and love that is freely given each day." With the launch of Prophesy Into Tomorrow, she has been able to connect with women and share advice, love, a listening ear, and truth from God's word. Kristina's courage to talk about the most vulnerable parts of her life are "inspiring" and a "breath of fresh air." Followers are finding that it is okay to not be okay and that they too can 'Prophesy Into Tomorrow.'

From Kristina:
"I invite you on this journey with me. Together we can discover the mysteries of Christ and allow them to transform us. No matter your age, background, or life circumstance, He loves you. He is for you. He just wants you. Flaws and all. My prayer is that you will find what you need from maybe even just one word spoken. My hope is that you begin to realize that our better tomorrow starts with sharing our stories today. Remember: LOVE GOD. LOVE YOURSELF. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR."